Study Shows Kegels Work Better When Paired With These Movements
Kegels are a catch-all solution for a lot of pelvic floor issues, but a new study suggests they work best with by pairing them with other movements.

Kegels are often generically given to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, but a study in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies suggests that Kegels alone are not the most effective strengthening strategy.
The study followed twenty-one moms with a recent vaginal birth and tested the pelvic floor activity during six different exercises: a kegel, two core exercises, two inner thigh exercises, and a combination of a kegel, core, and inner thigh exercise. The kegel exercise elicited the lowest pelvic floor contraction as compared to the combo exercise and the inner thigh exercises.
The takeaway? The best way to strengthen your pelvic floor is doing a kegel in combination with other movements, specifically those that target the core and inner thighs.
Read more (via NIH)