How To Pick A Safe Life Jacket For Your Kids
Make sure to pick the right size for the right situation.

Summer is around the corner and making sure your kids are safe in the water is essential. It can be overwhelming to find the best child's life jacket, so make sure to consider these expert recommendations before choosing one for your kid:
1. Find the right fit.
Make sure to check the weight range listed on the vest. Before going into the way, it’s important to do a fit test. Have your child fully put on the vest and straps and then lift up your child by the shoulder area. If the shoulders or mouth slip through the best, it’s too big.
Each year, make sure to discard old life jackets that are damaged, water-logged, or have frayed straps.
2. Make sure they’re US Coast Guard-approved.
If it’s not US Coast Guard approved, it’s not a proper floatation device. This includes inner tubes, floaties/wings, and swimsuits with padding.
3. Select the right type.
Make sure to select the type appropriate for the water environment your child will be in.
- Type I: Open ocean and rough seas
- Type II: Calm inland water or areas with a good chance of a fast rescue
- Type III: General boating, kayaking, and water skiing.
Even with the right fit and type, a life jacket is no substitute for supervision. Drowning is the leading cause of death in toddlers between the ages 1-4 years old and experts recommend that even if you’re around a pool with no expectation of getting into the water, you should put a life jacket on your child.
Read more (via Romper)