How do I Kegel?
Weird hint: it might help to think about jellyfish or blueberries.

Kegels are contractions of the pelvic floor muscles which are located in the bicycle seat area of the pelvis. They are the muscles responsible for urinary and fecal continence but they also play a big role in sexual function and core stabilization. Your pelvic floor muscles rarely work in isolation. However, it is important to be able to identify and assess these muscles independently, especially after having a baby. There are many cues that can help you access your pelvic floor. Some common cues are:
Visualizing a jellyfish floating up toward your belly button.
Visualizing the walls of your vagina closing and lifting like an elevator
Visualizing lifting a small blueberry with your vagina
Try to bring your two sit bones together
Try to bring your tailbone and your pubic bone together without moving your pelvis
Try to stop the flow of your urine.
If you’re not sure that these cues are working for you, you can slide your hand along the inside of your sit bone and feel for any contraction. If none of these work for you, that’s ok. Chelsea Method will bring you through specific exercises targeting your pelvic floor in isolation as well as integrating it into your whole body system to achieve automatic core function. These exercises were smartly designed utilizing the overflow principal, which allows stronger groups of muscles to facilitate weaker ones. Seeking out a pelvic floor physical therapist can also be a great tool in helping you identify these muscles.