Are Feminine Hygiene Products Harmful?
Most feminine hygiene products cause more trouble than they’re worth.

Feminine hygiene products are on the rise with marketing trying to make women feel dirty if "down there" doesn’t smell like roses. But here’s the scoop: Many hygiene products are unnecessary and potentially harmful to both the vulva and vagina.
The vagina (the inner tube) is self-cleaning and does not need to be cleaned with any scented products. Products disrupt the bacterial balance and lead to infections and irritation.
The vulva (the external genitalia that includes the labia and clitoris) also likes to keep things simple. To clean, the recommendation is to wash with just warm water. If needed, use minimal soap that is free of dyes and fragrance. If you experience burning or irritation, ditch the soap. Prolonged irritation, inflammation, discolored discharge, or other negative side effects are indicators to see your OB-GYN for an evaluation.
Read more (via Scary Mommy)