Do I have a prolapse?

Spoiler alert: doing a bunch of kegels definitely isn't the answer.

Dr. Stephanie Stamas
Dr. Stephanie Stamas
Stephanie is a physical therapist in New York City specializing in pelvic floor dysfunction and the founder of Chelsea Method.
Last updated
January 26, 2023

Pelvic organ prolapse is a descent of your pelvic organs into or through the vaginal canal or anal opening. The pelvic organs have two local support systems keeping them in place - the pelvic floor muscles which support the organs from below and spider web-like connective tissue, called fascia, suspending the organs in place. A prolonged pushing phase during a vaginal birth can increase the laxity of the spiderweb. This increased laxity allows the organ to drop down in the pelvis, which often feels like pelvic heaviness and vaginal or rectal pressure, especially at the end of the day.  Any prolonged straining can cause further increased laxity of the connective tissue - including chronic constipation. If you suspect a prolapse and you are constipated, it is very important to maintain soft stools and utilize good toileting techniques. 

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles after giving birth is an important part of regaining stability around the pelvic organs, but it is not the only aspect of recovery. Equally important is decreasing excessive pressure from above. Following pregnancy and birth, pressure dysregulation and postural changes inhibiting an automatic core activation is very common and often leads to an excessive downward pressure upon the pelvic organs. If these are not addressed, all the kegelling in the world won't be enough to lift up against this prolonged, excessive downward force.  

Chelsea Method will positively impact your prolapse by not only strengthening your pelvic floor, but also by addressing your alignment, pressure systems, breath control, automatic core activation and teaching you healthy bowel and bladder techniques.

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